ecp training courses for professionals - child protection

Spotlight - Responding to Sexual Violence and Harassment
(child on child abuse)

Course Outline

This dynamic, high quality session will provide professionals with an up-to-date CPD experience:

  • Awareness of sexual violence and sexual harassment, and the lived experiences for learners today both online and offline
  • Recognise the early indicators of sexual violence and sexual harassment
  • Understanding the prevalence of what constitutes harmful sexual behaviour and unsafe or exploitative relationships
  • Examining the definitions of sexual harassment and sexual violence, including online sexual abuse and revenge pornography
  • Creating a culture of safety (in relation to responding to disclosures) supporting learners to share concerns
  • Implementing robust recording and referral mechanisms
  • Responding effectively to concerns
  • Review on where to access further support and guidance

For more information on course content and outcomes please watch this video.  


How is this training delivered?

Our spotlights are offered as a self-paced training resource that will be shared with you via link that can be accessed by you and your team.

Full instructions of how to access our training platform will be sent to you and we will always be on hand to support you with any queries.

Our self-paced training is shared for a period of your choice, and can be accessed at any time during the academic year you have the training booked with us.

Do I need this training for my role?

The Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance and Ofsted inspection framework stipulates that staff need to complete training on specific issues including Child Sexual Exploitation, Child Criminal Exploitation, Mental Health, Online Safety and Child on Child Abuse. These spotlights have been designed to ensure that your teams meet these requirements as well as empower you with the knowledge you need to respond with confidence while supporting your pupils.

Will I receive a Certificate?

You will receive a PDF certificate for attending our training sessions. You need to ensure you are available and engaged for the full duration of the training session in order to receive your certificate.

How do I book this training?

Our training is booked using the online booking form via the ‘BOOK NOW’ button on the Course tab of this page. Once completed, you will receive confirmation that your form has been submitted, then you will receive an email confirmation of your booking. Bookings are not confirmed until you have received this as we may have questions we need to ask you or the date you request may not be available.

If you would like to contact us to check availability or ask any further questions before completing the booking form, please call us on 01727 808340 or via the chat function on the website.


This is a brand new course from Education Child Protection.

Watch this space for testimonials

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ECP will send you an email with the relevant links to each session to be shared with participants. Participants will then be able to register themselves for their session.

You can view our joining instructions below:

Participants will have access to their allocated session, for a set time period, where they can access the content when they wish.

All courses have specific dates and times which participants must attend. Courses that are 6 hours in duration will be delivered in 2 x 3-hour sessions.
Questions can be submitted during the self-paced webinar. All questions will then be collated and a written response created at the end of the webinar period. This will be made available to you the following week.

Live sessions have interactive elements which include voting in polls, audio interaction, raising hands and opportunities for Q & A.
Yes - The sessions are closed sessions. Participants will be informed when registering whether or not webcam and microphone access is required for their specific course. The data collated from participants is their first name, surname, role title and email address – unless additional data is requested by the client. A disclaimer is provided, and data will be deleted once shared with you.
Attendee report - including engagement data.
Q & A report from self-paced sessions - which will be sent to you the following week for you to cascade.
Feedback Report – a survey completed after the session.
Post course handouts – sent out to every attendee.