Safeguarding Awareness Training
Spotlight - Responding to Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
Spotlight - Safeguarding Update
If you would like to explore other training topics available such as:
Safeguarding learners: Understanding and recognising adults at risk
Safeguarding learners: Staff professional behaviour and culture
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Implementing an effective safeguarding culture
Safeguarding learners: Mental Health and developing Resilience
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Exploration of informed consent and Mental capacity
Safeguarding learners: Recognition and response to Domestic Abuse
Safeguarding learners: Recognition and response to Exploitation – including County Lines and Sexual Exploitation
Please contact us for further information
ECP Safeguarding Training have delivered a number of safeguarding courses this year to our staff and all have been brilliant. We have had a combination of face-face training and online courses; the staff at ECP have been very accommodating, to ensure that each course meets the needs of the delegates.
Every interaction I’ve had with the trainers and support staff has been fantastic. The trainers are highly professional and just so knowledgeable in all matters relating to safeguarding. I would not hesitate to recommend ECP to other FE providers.
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