ECP Safeguarding – Training and Services
ECP Safeguarding – Training and Services
ecp training courses for professionals - child protection

Colin Lock

HR Consultant

As an experienced HR professional, I thrive on sharing my knowledge and experience in HR situations, including a passion in effective recruitment processes. My aim is to have a long lasting impact on the professionals I engage with, ensuring that knowledge and expertise remains.

I believe investment in people is crucial in every business, the approach that is taken, the mindset and application of processes with ‘people’ will be a significant part of a businesses success.

My mission is to develop confidence in others, and shine an exploratory lens on the process that can be taken.

My career has been within consultancy and SME’s. It has been a privilege to be a part of many businesses journeys, and utilising that learning to impart to others.

Starting with the why, we will explore together the difficult questions, which I will facilitate in an exploratory and visionary way. I will challenge, in an informative approach, to consider the next stage of your business’s journey.

ECP Safeguarding
Office 214, 2nd Floor, Titan Court
3 Bishop Square, Hatfield
Hertfordshire, AL10 9NA

Tel: 01727 641395
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