ecp training courses for professionals - child protection

Advanced Safeguarding Training

Course Outline

For professionals working in an education settings, who require an advanced level of safeguarding knowledge and competency. Course content includes:

  • Understanding the safeguarding framework including legislation, guidance and local procedures in line with the Local Safeguarding Children Partnerships.
  • Exploring staff professional behaviour, whistleblowing and low-level concerns.
  • Robust recognition of concern:
    • So-called honour-based abuse including forced marriage
    • Child on child abuse
    • Domestic Abuse
  • Child-centred response to concerns
  • Effective reporting of concerns and the role of the safeguarding team
  • Awareness of Effective Multi-agency working
  • Understanding effective referrals including the different referral pathways
  • Robust record-keeping

For more information on course content and outcomes please watch this video.  

Target Audience

For professionals working in an education settings, who require an advanced level of safeguarding knowledge and competency.

Course Delivery

The live session is delivered over 2 x 3hour sessions on separate days.


What level training is this course?

Since the implementation of Safeguarding Partnerships, most sectors have moved away from using the term ‘levels’. The expectation is that you will undertake training which is relevant to the role you take in the organisation.

If in doubt, reach out and we will be able to clarify what this equivalent level of training is.

What is the difference between face-to-face and live virtual training options?

As far as possible, our Advanced Safeguarding Training is as close to being the same regardless of delivery method as they can be! All the required content is covered to the highest standard, and we aim to keep as much interaction and engagement in all of our sessions as we do in our face-to-face training.

Face-to-face is our preferred method of training, but we know this is not always possible so have made our live virtual courses available so you don’t have to miss out on being able to access our courses.

I only have a few members of staff that need to complete this training, what is the best option?

ECP run this course for individuals on our training platform as a live virtual training. You can find the details for this on our courses for individuals page of our website. Find out more here.

For these courses the price is per person and you can book multiple spaces for your staff.

Do I need this training for my role in school?

This training is a statutory requirement for all members of your staff who are a named member of your Designated Safeguarding team. The requirement is to complete this training and renew at least once every 2 years – alongside annual safeguarding update training and 3 yearly Child Protection Awareness training.

Will I receive a certificate?

You will receive a PDF certificate for attending our training sessions, and we will also send a copy of this certificate to your school. Advanced Safeguarding Training with ECP is CPD certified for you and your School’s single central training record. You need to ensure you are available and engaged for the full duration of the training session in order to receive your certificate.

How far in advance can I book the training?

You can book your training as far in advance as you like! Some times of the year are especially busy (E.G inset days) so we advise you book up to a year or more in advance, especially if there is a specific date and time you would like to secure. If you know your training will be up for renewal the sooner you get the training date confirmed the more likely ECP will have availability to deliver your training.

How many people can attend the training?

The maximum number of delegates that can attend this training course is 20.

If you have more than 20 delegates who need this training, please contact us in advance.

If you are a consortium of schools or a trust, please contact us for a quote regarding a group booking.

How do I book this training?

Our training is booked using the online booking form via the ‘BOOK NOW’ button on the Course tab of this page. Once completed, you will receive confirmation that your form has been submitted, then you will receive an email confirmation of your booking. Bookings are not confirmed until you have received this as we may have questions we need to ask you or the date you request may not be available.

If you would like to contact us to check availability or ask any further questions before completing the booking form, please call us on 01727 808340 or via the chat function on the website.

All availability is managed on a first come first served basis and we cannot reserve dates, so by completing the booking form quickly you are most likely to get your preferred date.

What information will I need in order to make a booking?

To complete our booking form, we will need to know how many delegates will be accessing the training, which date you would like the training to be delivered, and invoicing details of how payment will be made.

Once the booking form is submitted, we will contact you if we have any further questions.


The course has given me greater knowledge and confidence in being a DSL and leading others and taking back feedback to the SLT. Extremely helpful and well lead, thank you
DSL, St Paul’s School

I am much more knowledgeable and aware of the rigour required across all elements of safeguarding (day to day and strategic). Fantastic trainer- kept us all engaged. Extremely knowledgeable which supported us
DSL, Preston Park School

The impact for me was exploring effective use of toolkits, a safeguarding culture in an Ofsted inspection including child on child abuse and what schools should have within robust record keeping to include outcomes.
New Deputy DSL, St James’s School

This was an excellent and engaging session with plenty of time for discussion and debate. Nicole was incredibly knowledgeable and covered a massive amount in this day course. I am confident that my Senior Leadership Team benefited from this training and gained greater knowledge and skills because of it.
Headteacher, Edge Grove School (ISI)

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ECP will send you an email with the relevant links to each session to be shared with participants. Participants will then be able to register themselves for their session.

You can view our joining instructions below:

Participants will have access to their allocated session, for a set time period, where they can access the content when they wish.

All courses have specific dates and times which participants must attend. Courses that are 6 hours in duration will be delivered in 2 x 3-hour sessions.
Questions can be submitted during the self-paced webinar. All questions will then be collated and a written response created at the end of the webinar period. This will be made available to you the following week.

Live sessions have interactive elements which include voting in polls, audio interaction, raising hands and opportunities for Q & A.
Yes - The sessions are closed sessions. Participants will be informed when registering whether or not webcam and microphone access is required for their specific course. The data collated from participants is their first name, surname, role title and email address – unless additional data is requested by the client. A disclaimer is provided, and data will be deleted once shared with you.
Attendee report - including engagement data.
Q & A report from self-paced sessions - which will be sent to you the following week for you to cascade.
Feedback Report – a survey completed after the session.
Post course handouts – sent out to every attendee.